SKU : 14001610070
น้ำยาแก้ปัญหาน้ำขุ่น/น้ำเขียว Algaecide + Water Clarifier ขนาดกล่องบรรจุ 22x35x14 cm. น้ำหนักรวมกล่องบรรจุ 4.02 kg. (Update 17/03/2025)
Categories : Floculant&Brithener ,  Pool Chemicals ,  Algae Stop , 
Brand : Poolspa
Product Description
Pool Advance Algaecide Gallon (3.8L) (water clarifier for D.E filters.
•An algaecide water clarifier suitable for D.E Filter
•Eliminates green algae as it increases water clarity
•Two jobs done at the same time with long lasting action
•No waiting period and easy to apply
•Non-metallic will not clog filters and non-foaming will not cloud water